Most people assume summers are for fun and good times, so they’re surprised when they realize they’ve lost some pep in their step. They wonder what’s wrong. How can I be unhappy or struggling when everyone else is enjoying the beach?
We all have moments when it’s tough to practice self-help, especially when we’re not feeling our best. But remember my friends, you’re not alone on this journey of self-discovery. I’ve been there too, with ups and downs, and I want to share something beautiful in its simplicity with you today.
The quote is from the movie Bull Durham:
“Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains.”
That’s a very simple reminder that sometimes it rains and when it does, the game is not over. When that happens, we just need to give ourselves space. Acknowledge your journey and honor the need for self-care and compassion.
And remember, rain is not always a bad thing. It may cause us to call a game but it also ushers in the possibility for growth.
If you’re struggling this summer, if you’ve had a little “rain” in your life recently do these things:
Find solace in nature:
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Head to a nearby park (or step outside wherever you are), breathe in the air, enjoy the floral fragrance, and let the chirping of the birds lift your spirit. Mother Nature has a gift for you—the gift of rejuvenation. Watching the season unfold can also help you understand there is a time for everything.
Connect with loved ones or people who understand:
Reach out to those who lift your spirits. Laugh until your sides hurt. Exchange stories with those who have similar experiences and have prevailed against their struggle. The love and support of those dear to us can brighten our days, even the most challenging ones.
Listen to you:
Engage in activities that nourish your soul and your body. Listen to what your mind and your physical presence requires. Some days you’ll be all in running those bases. Others you’ll need to find the grace to accept your limitations as part of your healing, recovery, and life changes. You may find yourself on the bench. Prioritize self-care as an act of love for yourself, and watch how it transforms your well-being.
Life won’t always go as planned, but we have the power to navigate through the twists and turns with grace and compassion. Honor your journey, make self-care a priority, and know you are never alone. Whatever challenge you’re facing, there’s life after it, and there’s always hope.
It’s these thoughts that drive my own work in the Life After Prostate Cancer Survivor series and a new podcast I have under development tentatively called “Ideas Worth Sharing.” Stay tuned for more empowering content!
Sending you love, healing, and the strength to embrace your own game with compassion. 💛✨